I am super bummed and excited to write this post. Excited because I loved this coffee so much, but bummed because it’s over. I’m not sure what my official favorite coffee was out of the 6 that I received but I’m going to go with “Perfect with Pie,” which I believe was the first one I received.
By choosing the Roaster’s Choice option, I was sent a different coffee each month. It was fantastic because I got to try coffees I wouldn’t have tried otherwise and I realized that dark roast can be so good it’s mind blowing! I really did consider choosing a dark roast as my personal favorite, but in the end, Perfect with Pie was just classic coffee so I couldn’t help but pick that.

This is the photo from the website showing off their Anniversary Blend and showcasing the tasting notes. I am kind of surprised it was medium roast and not a dark, but that has happened to me before with their coffee. It is so rich and wonderful it’s hard to believe how much they have perfected it. I think I would like all the roasts a little better if I had tried them from a place like Grounds and Hounds first. Also, this has Sumatran beans in it. Who knew I could like anything with Sumatran beans?

I like this coffee brewed on my Ninja Coffee bar system and I found I like it even better when I used the Rich Brew setting. It’s fun to experiment with different settings and see which one is best for which coffee. When I’m not too tired to actually make my coffee, I go for my Aeropress! It’s amazing. My Chemex is my “afternoon coffee” and my Aeropress is speedy and easy enough to be a morning friendly method of brewing. But oh how I do love the timed brew feature on my Ninja Coffee Bar……
As you can see, it’s nice and dark and it’s so very smooth. This is a bold coffee that really stands out and I found myself loving it anyway. This subscription is a gift I would recommend for any coffee lover! You can pick ground OR whole bean to suit any brewing style.
As sad as I am to be on my last bag of coffee, I have already placed an order from Puppy & Paws Coffee Co. They sell wonderful coffees too, but their selection is a bit different and I love going back and forth. I ordered their Cavalier King Cake flavor and two bags of their Catahoula Coffee and Chicory since I am so nutty about chicory coffee. I am anxiously awaiting their arrival!
Until next week, love your doggies, drink your coffee, and enjoy the extra time you have with the ones you love.
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