As you guys may know by now, I LOVE coming up with my own recipes. In order to do that, you have to have a basic understanding of how ingredients work together. I’m pretty good at it with baking, I’m getting better at it with cooking, but I am still learning when it comes to dog treats. Yes, you do use some of the same things, but you use the ingredients in different ways and to do different things. I am thinking of trying my very own recipe next time, but I had to try a few different ones to get the hang of it. This one was definitely worth reviewing!
To see the original recipe, click here:
So far, our girls have liked all of the treats I’ve been making, but Chubb, my dads English Bulldog, LOVED these. She went nuts over them and she gives you a “hi-five” almost automatically just to get one of these treats.
This is the applesauce I used that I found at our tiny grocery place and it worked really well. I made sure it had no funky ingredients or sweeteners that could be bad for dogs, such as xylitol, which can be poisonous to them. Always use natural ingredients, and if you have a question, double and triple check before you use it in treats for your furry friends.
After I got the peanut butter and applesauce mixed, I added in the baking powder and then the oats. I slowly added in the flour last. The recipe says you can add in more applesauce if need be, but this was actually perfect texture. The dough was slightly crumbly, but you definitely don’t want it overly sticky. I decided to turn it out onto the counter top and knead it a bit before I decided to add more applesauce or not. I am really glad I worked the dough first, because it ended up being the perfect texture to roll and cut.
I rolled it about 1/2 inch thick and it was awesome to work with. It didn’t stick to the counter at all and it popped out of the cookie cutters nicely! I think this is my personal favorite dough to work with out of the four recipes I have tried so far.

I realized too late that I had forgotten my usual treat cookie cutters at my fiances house, so I decided to raid moms extensive cookie cutter collection for some alternative shapes. I found a lot of options but I went with a tiny teddy bear (it made me think of teddy grahams for dogs), a flower like design, and an apple, since these are applesauce treats. I also found letters so I decided to do initials for each of our girls. Of course my brother had to tease me about teaching the girls the alphabet.

I even got a bright idea for Karma. At the time I made these, she was having some gastro-intestinal troubles and our vet had her taking a few different pills. Pill pockets are insanely expensive, especially when you use multiple a day, and she was smart enough to get the pill out and put it on the floor many times. When we put the pills in these little cups and covered it with some Braunschweiger’s, she ate them with no problem and her tummy is now back to normal. I just brushed the back of the muffin tin with olive oil, cut some rounds out with a small glass, and molded them around the bottom of the muffin cups using the Cricut tool pictured here.

As an extra precaution, I use parchment paper to line my baking sheet instead of oils. It’s easier and it goes faster, although we looked up olive oil since I couldn’t use paper for the muffin cups and it said it was dog safe. This was just a lot easier than brushing every sheet with olive oil.
Click here for the wonderful recipe I used:
I hope your pup loves these as much as our girls did! These were extra fun to make and I soon hope to be sharing my own original dog safe treat recipe here in the coming months!
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