If I had to write a song about unrequited love, I would definitely be writing about me and dairy. Luckily for me, I don’t like dairy milk at all, but I also couldn’t live without cheese and ice cream! A little bit of dairy doesn’t really bother me, but a large amount tends to make me nauseous. Awhile back, I posted a recipe for Thai Iced Coffee using caramel condensed milk and I was absolutely in love with it! Sadly, my stomach did NOT agree with my tastebuds. I usually drink my coffee pre-workout and it did not sit well. I didn’t want to give up my awesome drink, but I didn’t want to be sick either. That’s where Nature’s Charm Sweetened Condensed Coconut Milk came to my rescue!
I didn’t even know if sweetened condensed coconut milk was a thing, but I figured it was worth a google. My search turned up a couple different options, but the brand Nature’s Charm looked to be the best (and best priced!) by far. I was so impressed that I decided to give them a follow on Instagram. Luckily for me, they were doing a giveaway for the very thing I was searching for! The challenge was to tell them how you would use the sweetened condensed coconut milk. I posted this recipe for dairy free Coconut Thai Iced Coffee, and the next thing I knew, they contacted me for my shipping info!

This is an opened can that has been in the fridge so it’s all nice and set up. Like regular condensed milk, its much thinner at room temperature and it thickens when you chill it. I think it’s even better than the dairy version when chilled. I am definitely going to be sticking with the coconut version from here on out!

I find it works best to blend it since everything is cold. I like to use the the Nutri Ninja but any blender will do perfectly well.

I start off with the coffee first since coffee is the beginning of all things good. I personally LOVE Stok Unsweetened Cold Brew, but any cold coffee will work. Then, I add in So Delicious unsweetened coconut milk.

Let me just take a minute to say it’s called “So Delicious” for a reason. I still remember the first time I tried this particular brand. Mom and I were on vacation in a bigger city and we stopped into their health food store where they had all kinds of cool things you couldn’t get back home and free samples of about half of it. One of these samples happened to be So Delicious coconut milk. I was blown away by it! I’d had a couple other brands of coconut milk before and they were pretty good, but the creamy texture of this one was astounding. Definitely a game changer for non-dairy milk. I even preferred it over cashew milk, which was my thing at that time. I had so many “samples” of it that I kinda felt guilty, but they turned me into a lifelong customer and now I’m blogging about it so hopefully that erases my “super sampling” faux pas. It’s not my fault they make it so addictive!
Lastly, I add in my sweetened condensed coconut milk and any additional sweetener I might want. I have my ratio perfected now, but you may wanna make it without the sweetener and add it after you’ve had a chance to taste it because it may be sweet enough for you already. Some people have a sweet tooth, but I think my whole mouth is full of them!

Pour your blended concoction over ice and enjoy! I thought of photographing this delicious drink in a glass, but I decided to photograph it in its “natural habitat” instead. I love drinking out of metal because it stays cold forever- even in this summer heat. I also love metal straws because it seems like the drink it just colder when it hits your mouth. I have a few different ones, but these Pampered Chef ones are my personal favorite. I love the fact that they’re bent and they come in a pouch with a cleaning tool so you can easily toss them in your bag and keep them clean and ready to use. You can find them here: https://www.pamperedchef.com/pws/ntkmom/shop/Entertaining/Barware%7CGlassware/Metal+Straws/100092?fbclid=IwAR3nW7rUcuj1p8v3Gyi1ZZ4-7qKrJMwGhS7tM6GsTTpqm0FlzrYwXevUmbA
Also, if you guys have any recipes using coconut milk or sweetened condensed coconut milk, please share them! I love experimenting with new food and drinks.
Dairy Free Coconut Thai Iced Coffee
- 1 1/2 c. cold coffee
- 1/2 c. unsweetened coconut milk (sweetened or vanilla would be good too!)
- 2 T. sweetened condensed coconut milk
- additional sweetener if desired
- ice
Combine all ingredients together in a blender and blend on high for 45 seconds. Pour the mixture into a 24oz. cup filled 1/3 of the way with ice. Enjoy your tropical caffeination!
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