October is my favorite month of the year for many reasons. I love the weather and breaking out my favorite hoodies while drinking some pumpkin spice flavored coffee. The fall treats and coffee are amazing and stores are filled with all kinds of spooky goodies for my favorite holiday! October is so amazing that my fiance and I chose this month to tie the knot. It only stands to reason that October would be chosen for pit bull awareness month.
I’m a pretty quiet person and I don’t share my opinions often, but when I do find something I’m passionate about, I tend to be all in. The only thing I am really passionate and loud about is saving the pit bulls. I have always been a person who dislikes blanket judgement of all sorts, but I didn’t get really into the cause of saving the pit bulls until I was about 16, when some friends of ours came by an abandoned puppy that my family took in. The vet said she was most likely a pit bull or pit bull mix. We think she’s probably a lab/pit mix, but we’ll never know for sure. All we know is that she’s a sweetheart.

In the decade we’ve had her, she’s been my little pal. Since she was little, she slept with me most nights and she became my little companion. When I went through a hard time in my life and I was in bed and sleeping much more than normal, Karma was the one at my side. Not very many people want to be with you when you’re in that state, sometimes you don’t even want to be with yourself, but I realized the love and healing power of dogs.
Today, when my life is filled with joy and I’m up and doing things that put a smile on my face, Karma is still there, but now it is her who is slowing down a bit. Because of her, I found a cause I am passionate about and will fight for for the rest of my life.
In this post are some ways you can join me in celebrating Pit Bull Awareness Month!
Of course you know what’s coming: coffee! It is said that we speak with our wallets and I try to take this into account when buying my coffee. There are two delicious coffee companies I am hooked on and both of them are devoted to helping dogs and they both have a special pit bull blend!
Also, Puppy & Paws Coffee Co. sends you a card with your order and it shows all their dog rescues and the corresponding codes so you can decide which rescue you want your money to go to. Of course there’s a pit bull rescue on the list!
Grounds & Hounds has a whole pit bull line now and it has only grown since its start last year. I am still proudly drinking from the awesome travel mug my fiance got me.

Another thing I love is Amazon Smile. You can support so many good causes and charities. My chosen charity is the Handsome Dan rescue for Pit Bull Type Dogs. I encourage you to check out their website and their social media pages. They do truly amazing work. You can look into local shelters and pit bull rescues in your area and see if they have an Amazon Smile that you can support.

My ultimate favorite way to cerebrate is positivity. I generally struggle with social media and all the negativity going on. There is no better way to spread positivity- for pit bulls and humans- than showing sweet, happy pictures of our pups. Amidst all the negativity, I can’t tell you what a huge smile seeing a precious dog brings to my face.

You can also sport your proud dog gear, which I plan on doing all month! I love the “Resting Pit Face” hoodie my fiance got me and it’s the perfect weather for it again! Unfortunately, my picture of it wouldn’t upload.
I hope you enjoy October as much as I do. Savor some fall treats, carve some pumpkins, and love the dogs!

Check out the Handsome Dan Rescue here: http://www.handsomedansrescue.org/
Order the special Pit Bull Awareness Month blend from Grounds & Hounds: https://groundsandhoundscoffee.com/products/lovable-blend-12oz
Support a Pit Bull rescue with this awesome blend from Puppy & Paws Coffee Co. https://puppypaws.shop/shop/ols/products/coffee-pit-bull
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