So I was gone last week because I was still off for my honeymoon. On Friday, October 23rd, I got married to my best friend since I was 15 years old. I couldn’t be happier or feel anymore blessed. Our big honeymoon plans were scaled down because of the pandemic, but we still had a lovely weekend getaway and we enjoyed coming back home and settling into our new normal.

We spent the week moving all my junk from my parents house across town to his apartment and up 22 steps. Bless my little brother for helping us carry the heavy stuff and my amazing parents for helping box up all my junk. And boy did I have a lot of junk! After reading all kinds of books and blogs about de-cluttering, I have almost come to the end of my journey with clutter. We still have some minor putting away and cleaning to do, but with the support and help of my amazing husband, I have come almost full circle in my journey. I am by no means a minimalist, but I’m also very far away from where I started and we have plenty of space in our apartment to live and not be crowded out by things.
The same week we were moving also happened to be Halloween and Beggar’s Night. This was a big deal since it was my first Halloween! Yes, at 26, I had my first Halloween. Read on to share the awesome experience with me.

Okay so a little backstory here, as a kid, my family didn’t celebrate Halloween, but I was always intrigued by it. I found little Halloween events to attend as I got into my later teens and twenties. Finally, as a married woman, I live in a more central location where we can hand out candy and my husband was so happy for me! I felt like a little kid and he indulged me. Since we both love dogs, we made about 600 homemade dog treats to hand out to our canine friends. We advertised on social media, but only 3 dogs showed up, one of them being my “little sister.” I made her favorite treats of course. He was as happy as I was when a good boy or girl came by, but we definitely wished we had more barking beggar’s on Beggar’s Night. Hopefully, it will become a thing and we can advertise early, and maybe next year we can have some more barkers stop by!
Even though we only had three pups stop, we asked our human trick or treaters if they had pups at home and we sent two of our pre-made dog treat bags home with them. We also have a list of canine friends that get the leftovers, including my girls, my in-laws dog, and a few friends that couldn’t make it by that night due to work. They’re going be getting quite a few treats each! Good thing they freeze well.
While it wasn’t quite the Halloween I had hoped for due to the pandemic, I had a lovely time with my new husband and we both really enjoyed ourselves and eachother. I really hope each year is better and better and we become known around town as that place with the awesome dog treats.
Another new thing for me was leftover candy. We didn’t want to be that house that runs out of candy our first year, but we didn’t know who would be out with the pandemic, so we decided on two big bags. We clearly went too big. We had so much leftover! Luckily, my man knew to buy the good stuff so we could give out awesome candy, and then eat awesome candy. Honestly, I think my husband got the most candy this Halloween! I was definitely a close second.
While my dad generously offered to take some of the candy off our hands, we had enough to do a few things with it. Since I have been on a serious kick with cereal bars, I decided to chop up 2 cups worth of the candy and randomly mix them into my cereal treats. Maybe don’t add the Whoppers, but it wasn’t too bad.
With the candy we still have left, I intend to chop up another couple of cups and toss them into my favorite monster cookie recipe since that’s basically what monster cookies are anyway. I can’t wait to try them and take some to my lovely family.
All in all, this has been the perfect honeymoon, even though it was mostly spent moving. We grew even closer through the experience and I enjoyed my first Halloween more than I can say. He made it even better.
I hope everyone had a super happy Halloween, and if you have any cool ideas for using up leftover candy, please pass them along!
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